SEO Questionnaire If you're considering hiring us for SEO management, please fill out the questionnaire below. Should you have any questions or concerns, drop us a line at We’ll be in touch within 24 hours upon receipt of the form and/or your email. Thank you.Name First Last Email* PhoneWebsite URL Geographically, what is the scope of your business?* Do you have an idea of any potential keywords you’d like to target? If so, please list them here, separated by comma.Do you know of any websites or publications frequently read by your target audience? Please list them here.To your knowledge, has your website ever been penalized by Google?Have you worked with an SEO agency or freelance SEO professional before? If so, please describe here.What is the preferred tone or writing style when it comes to content? Are there any brand style guidelines you want us to be familiar with?What are your primary objectives and KPIs when it comes to SEO? Please check all of the relevant objectives and KPIs below. Select All Increase traffic Decrease bounce rates Increase conversions Increase organic sessions Ideally, within what timeframe are you looking to see SEO results?What is your monthly SEO budget? With your SEO engagement, you will receive a monthly reporting dashboard. Is there anything that you would like us to keep in mind when delivering reporting, or to whom to send reports to? Please list their emails here. Is your business seasonal? If so, please tell us more here. Who is your target audience? What are your unique selling points, or the value propositions associated with your business?Are you currently doing any PR? If so, please share any media links here.Are you currently doing anything to acquire links? Do you have a list of websites you'd like to link to your site?